This is the cover page of the Danish edition for the most complete biography of Jiddu Krishnamurti -one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century-, penned by the bestselling author, Roshen Dalal. This book will be available soon in Denmark.

Roshen Dalal explores Krishnamurti’s life to reach a more objective consideration of his life. She searches for the changes in Krishnamurti’s life and thoughts through new material and questions. This reconsideration leads us through a maze of a fascinating life and intertwined philosophical thoughts of one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century.

Among the most famous visionaries of our times, J. Krishnamurti (1895–1986) continues to transform thought, lifestyles, and education across continents more than three decades after his death.

To know more about the book, click here.

“Roshen Dalal goes where the facts take her, and she does not mince her facts. In this inspiring yet human depiction of Krishnamurti, it is an extraordinary tale that she tells” ~ Arvind K. Mehrotra, poet, translator, literary critic and former professor, Allahabad University

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The Marathi edition of the international bestseller “30 Days: Change your habits, change your life” by Marc Reklau will be available shortly in India.

“30 Days” is a simple, fast-paced book where readers will learn what it takes to create the life you want. In this book, international bestselling author Marc Reklau introduces the readers to some proven tips, tricks and exercises that can improve their life beyond imagination!

This is the cover page of the Marathi edition that is about to hit bookstores in India.

“Mark Reklau, thank you very much for one more amazing book. Everything in it is very practical and one can easily implement it in our everyday life.” ~ Amazon customer

We have just licensed the German rights for this interactive children’s book: “Help Hungry Henry Deal with Anger” by Esther Pia Cordova

This book is a good starting point to teach about emotions. Together with Hungry Henry, kids will discover a set of tools that will help them cope when they’re feeling overwhelmed.

To know more about Hungry Henry series, click here.

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us by clicking here .

The inspirational debut novel “The Billionaire and the Monk” by Vibhor Kumar Singh will be available in Portugal shortly! We have just licensed the rights for Portugal.

A top Portuguese publishing group has just acquired the rights for Portugal of Kumar Singh’s debut inspirational story.

Worldwide rights are available except in Bulgarian, French (world), Greek, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Turkish and Portuguese (Portugal). Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

“Positive Ninja”, “Inventor Ninja” and “Angry Ninja” by Mary Nhin are about to hit bookstores in Denmark! The author has sold over a million copies of her books in English language alone.

The bestselling Ninja Life Hacks book series is geared to kids 3-11+. Perfect for early readers, primary school students, or toddlers. Excellent resource for educators, parents, and teachers alike.

“Ninja Life Hacks series is the perfect way to deliver simple life skills advice to little ones!” ~ Amazon customer.

To know more about Ninja Life Hacks series, click here.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Chinese Complex, Vietnamese, Romanian, Farsi, and Danish. Publishers interested to know more about the series, please get in touch by clicking here.

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The inspirational debut novel “The Billionaire and the Monk” by Vibhor Kumar Singh is rapidly getting noticed worldwide. We have just licensed the Turkish rights of this book!

A top Turkish publishing group has just acquired the Turkish translation rights of Kumar Singh’s debut inspirational story.

Two men from different walks of life learn that neither robes of honor nor the total renunciation of worldly life is required to enjoy the most fundamental human desire – happiness. What if you learn that everything you have been taught about happiness is false? What if you discover that it is the ordinary path that leads to extraordinary treasure? To know more about the book, click here.

Worldwide rights are available except in Bulgarian, French (world), Greek, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), German and Turkish. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

This is the Russian edition of “Parent Yourself Again: Love Yourself the Way You Have Always Wanted to Be Loved” by Yong Kang Chan!

Children long for their parents love. They want to be loved and accepted for who they are. But wait a minute… we are adults now. We are no longer children. Why are we still craving for our parents’ approval? What your parents failed to do for you in the past, you can do it for yourself now.

This is book 3 of the successful Self-Compassion series penned by Yong Kang Chan. In this book, the author helps readers have a better relationship with themselves and their parents.

To know more about the Self-Compassion series, click here.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Czech, Vietnamese, Greek and Russian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us.

We have just signed a four-book deal in Romania for the next four titles of the bestselling “Ninja Life Hacks” series building on the success of the first four books!

Ninja Life Hacks series by Mary Nhin has been very well-received in Romania. After the successful release of the first four books in about a month, we have just signed a four-book deal for the next four titles that will come soon in Romanian:

Inventor Ninja: A Children’s Book About Creativity and Where Ideas Come From

Grumpy Ninja: A Children’s Book About Gratitude and Perspective

Shy Ninja: A Children’s Book About Social Emotional Learning and Overcoming Social Anxiety

Dishonest Ninja: A Children’s Book About Lying and Telling the Truth

To know more about Ninja Life Hacks series, click here .

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Chinese Complex, Vietnamese, Romanian and Danish. Publishers interested to know more about the series, please get in touch with us.

We are looking for awesome books to make them shine around the world! Our international literary agency is open for submissions.

Check this link to know more about our submissions process.

If we see international potential in your book, we will definitely represent it. What to expect after signing our representation agreement? You may click here to understand the process we follow for the representation and international rights management of your book.

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