“J. Krishnamurti: A Life of Compassion beyond Boundaries” by Roshen Dalal is now available in Bulgarian!

Among the most famous visionaries of our times, J. Krishnamurti (1895–1986) continues to transform thought, lifestyles, and education across continents more than three decades after his death.

In this new biography, tracing the nine long decades of his life, from his growing-up years, his relationships to his writings and talks, Roshen Dalal provides a much-needed corrective – an objective and balanced view of his legacy. Adopted by Theosophists at the age of fourteen, and proclaimed a world teacher and messiah, in 1929, Krishnamurti dissolved the Order of the Star created for him and went on to develop his own philosophy.

What is it about his ideas that draws the following of generations of people? While his ideas on education are idealistic, why do they continue to be everlasting in their contribution and appeal?

Krishnamurti’s vision is of a world without boundaries or wars, a world where compassion and goodness predominate, and his message is that such a world can be arrived at only through individual transformation.

What readers are saying:

★★★★★ “This is how biographies ought to be written – without using paint brushes to hide the flaws and warts – treating the subject holistically yet with honesty and sensitivity.”

★★★★★ “There are several books of J K that outlines his life and philosophy. So what is different about this book? It is written in a language that is direct and simple, without loosing the essence of his philosophy. Although i have read and heard about K’s life and listened to his talks, certain aspects of his life that feature very briefly only in other books, are laid out with greater clarity and I believe impartially. This book should be read by practitioners in the field of education. His educational thoughts that are more relevant today than before, are well explained in a way that is easy to understand.”

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The bestselling & multi-award-winning novel “The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride” by Joe Siple is now available in Hungarian!

★★★★★ The book has sold over 240,000 copies in English alone and received 23,600 positive ratings on Amazon.

★★★★★ Joe Siple is #1 Amazon Bestselling Author & Maxy Awards Book of the Year Winner. The book is also recipient of the following recognitions: 2018 Maxy Award “Book of the Year”, 2018 PenCraft Award 1st Place “Fiction-Drama”, 2018 American Fiction Awards Finalist, 2018 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Award Finalist, 2018 Independent Author Network Awards Finalist in “Debut Fiction”, 2018 Wishing Shelf Award (UK) Finalist, #1 Bestseller-Kindle “Coming of Age Fiction” (Canada) and #1 Bestseller-Kindle “Coming of Age Fiction” (Australia).

With all his family and friends gone, one-hundred-year-old Murray McBride is looking for a reason to live. He finds it in Jason Cashman, a ten-year-old boy with a terminal heart defect and a list of five things he wants to do before he dies. Together, they race against the limited time each has left, ticking off wishes one by one. Along the way, Murray remembers what it’s like to be young, and Jason fights for the opportunity to grow old. But when tragedy strikes, their worlds are turned upside-down, and an unexpected gift is the only thing that can make Jason’s final wish come true.

What readers are saying:

★★★★★ “I have one chapter left to go, but it was after breaking down in complete tears from reading this amazing book out loud.”

★★★★★ “The world needs more stories like this one!”

★★★★★ “An emotional story that will leave readers meditating on the life-saving magic of kindness.”

Worldwide rights available except English (world), Russian, Korean, Spanish (world), French (world), Simplified Chinese, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Vietnamese, Turkish, Serbian and Polish. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

This is the Brazilian edition of “A friendship story: Heart & Mind” by Nishi Singhal that will be released shortly!

“Heart & Mind” by Nishi Singhal is a unique series that introduces mindfulness to the little ones and opens the door to rich conversations about thinking, feeling, and balancing both.

The underlying message for children is to combine “heartfulness” with “mindfulness”. The whimsical illustrations and the story keep you there in the magical world of the present. A must read for all ages, especially in such a fast paced world!

★★★★★ “I love this book so much. The author does a beautiful job of telling a story about flow and alignment, using beautiful images and simple characters of the heart and mind. The concepts not only resonated for my kids, but were such a great reminder for me of how good it feels to release the reigns of the mind (all the thinking and planning and needing to get just right…) and align with your true self/ heart/ inner being. We can effort our way through the day all we want; and we can flow and surrender a bit to see where the day takes us as well. Very thankful we get to have this in our collection. Looking forward to more from the author!”

★★★★★ “If I could give more than five stars I would! An excellent book!”

★★★★★ “An amazing description of how the Heart and Mind work together! Beautiful pictures too.”

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Vietnamese, Portuguese (Portugal & Brazil), Romanian, Czech, and Turkish. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

Penguin Random House Germany (under the imprint Kösel Verlag) will release the German edition of the bestselling book “How to hold a Cockroach” by Matthew Maxwell at the end of this month

★★★★★ This bestselling inspirational tale on the lines of “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” and “Big Panda and Tiny Dragon” is suitable for a mass-market channel as the topic is quite relatable and has a feel-good factor.

Here you can see Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe’s edition that will be released at the end of this month (link).

A boy is sitting at the kitchen table when a cockroach walks by. »What an ugly thing? Go away, I don’t want anything to do with you!” says the boy. But suddenly he remembers moments in his life when he too was rejected. And so he begins to think about himself. For the first time he asks himself: »Who am I really? Why don’t I like myself and who and what actually determines how we should feel about ourselves?”

With its surprising and simple message, “How to hold a Cockroach” (original title) is a declaration of love for each of us. It is a book for everyone who wants to find themselves.

★★★★★ “Definitely recommend for anyone going through some hard moments.”

★★★★★ “An eye-opening allegory…Maxwell uses a variety of images to reflect on self-criticism, love, overcoming one’s past, and embracing the unknown.” Publishers Weekly

★★★★★ “Delightfully philosophical and yet, so approachable. I will read again and again and am glad to have it perched on my bookshelf to remind me to stay curious.”

★★★★★ “This book is awesome and far more than the title suggests. I am a college professor and use this book in my psychology classes.”

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Slovenian, German, Russian, and Simplified Chinese. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

Today is the release date of the Portuguese edition of The #1 Amazon Charts Bestseller, and TikTok Famous with millions of views, “Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor” by Shawn M. Warner

The #1 Amazon Charts Bestseller, Top Ranked book in the world, and TikTok Famous with millions of views, Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor by USA Today bestselling author Shawn M. Warner is now available in Portuguese thanks to Editora Presenca.

Leigh’s life has been ripped apart. Orphaned, she goes to live with incredibly wealthy relatives she never knew she had. Struggling to fit into her new world, she can’t let go of her grief. When the police tell her the investigation into her parents’ murder has hit a brick wall, she knows the only way she will ever know peace is to solve the mystery herself. With new family and friends, which includes a ghost with multiple personality issues, Leigh risks everything to find her answers.

What readers are saying:

★★★★★ “TikTok made me read this. Truth be told that is how I found this book! It was a great read, the characters interesting and intriguing, the premise got my attention and the writing and flow of the story kept me engaged. A mystery within a mystery that includes supernatural is always a win for me! Definitely recommend.”

★★★★★ “What an awesome story. The author keeps you engaged to the book and the flow is amazing.”

★★★★★ “First book I pick where I can’t put down! A great ready for someone who’s into mysteries!”

★★★★★ “A talent who deserves to be on every book shelf, amazing book, amazing author. BRAVO!!”

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Slovak, Czech, Italian, Bulgarian, Russian, Portuguese (Portugal), Ukrainian, Spanish (world), Polish, German and Hungarian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The bestseller “Tough” by Greg Everett is now available in French!

★★★★★ The author is a writer/director/producer of American Weightlifting: The Documentary, and coach of a USA Weightlifting national championship team. Greg’s Instagram has a following of 36.1K and his podcast and media appearances are followed by people from all over the world.

Praised as “remarkable”, “powerful” and “inspiring” by everyone from special forces operators, elite athletes and coaches, and backcountry experts to everyday people striving to improve their lives, “Tough: Building True Mental, Physical & Emotional Toughness for Success & Fulfillment” by Greg Everett “sets the standard” and “encompass[es] the message we all need.”

Being truly tough is a genuine command over ourselves and an ever-increasing mastery of the mental, emotional and physical elements that define us and determine the course of our lives. “Tough” is an inspiring look deep into what makes us tough and why it matters, and provides the practical tools and steps to achieve genuine change in your life.

★★★★★ “Tough is the most in-depth and comprehensive book on mental toughness I’ve seen.” ~ John Barklow, US Navy (ret)

★★★★★ “Greg’s articulation of what it means to be tough is what everyone needs with their coffee in the morning and to develop the character and grace to seek their potential.”

★★★★★ “This book is an incredible resource and guide to look deep within yourself and overcome your demons.”

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

Today is the release date of the Spanish edition of “Stay Positive with Marcus Aurelius” by Jana Capri & Charan Díaz under Diana imprint of Editorial Planeta

★★★★★ “Stay Positive with Marcus Aurelius” is a part of the popular series “Stay stoic, Stay Happy” that has been licensed in 10 languages.

What can I do to be happy? How should I relate to other? How can I worry less? These are complex questions that we all ask ourselves at some point in life. But finding the right answers to these questions is not an easy task. What if you could ask the great philosopher Marcus Aurelius?

In this book you will find 79 questions about life and Marcus Aurelius’ answers inspired by his book “Meditations” and adapted to accessible, modern language. The authors have also included psychological reflections that explore the messages in more depth and help to gain a more positive attitude towards life.

★★★★★ “Great book to find some optimism when things are not going well. It reads very easy, I highly recommend it. For me Marcus Aurelius has been a great discovery.”

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The international bestseller “Coffee Self-Talk: 5 Minutes a Day to Start Living Your Magical Life” by Kristen Helmstetter is now available in Czech!

★★★★★ “Coffee Self-Talk” has sold over 200,000 copies in English alone!

“Coffee Self-Talk” is a powerful, life-changing routine that takes only 5 minutes a day. It can help you transform your life by boosting your self-esteem, filling you with happiness, and helping you attract the magical life you dream of living. And, very importantly, it creates feelings of wholeness and worthiness.

What readers are saying:

★★★★★ “This powerful, insightful, and inspiring book will show you how to fulfill your potential by spending 5 minutes a day. This book is a game-changer.”

★★★★★ “This is the BEST BOOK I’ve Read in a Long Time!”

★★★★★ “Kristen starts my days with inspiration and pure happiness!”

★★★★★ “Thanks for saving my life”

Worldwide rights available except English (world), Vietnamese, Slovak, Czech, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Spanish (world), German, Turkish, Ukrainian, Chinese Complex, Korean, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, Arabic, Dutch, Italian, French, Azerbaijani and Macedonian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

“What Self-Esteem Training Does Your Child Need Today?” by Jana Capri and Charan Diaz is now available in English!

Go on an adventure with your children that will help them boost their confidence with interactive lessons and exercises. “What Self-Esteem Training Does Your Child Need?” is a collaborative workbook designed to help you and your child build their own sense of trust and determination.

The book’s coloring pages are bold, spirited, and will leave your child feeling courageous in their quest to build their morale and self-esteem. It is designed for both you and your child to actively participate in fun activities together!

Authors Charan Diaz Arquillo and Jana Capri collectively have experience in mental health, education, and personal growth. With their combined experience, they have developed a parenting guide and study aid, for both parents and children to actively participate in the learning process of developing healthy, self-esteem. This two-in-one guide targets the divide between a sole parenting guide, and a daily coloring book, wherein they can coexist in the same material.

Worldwide rights available except English (world), and Russian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The #1 Amazon Charts Bestseller, Top Ranked book in the world, and TikTok Famous with millions of views, Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor by USA Today bestselling author Shawn M. Warner is now available in Slovak!

Leigh’s life has been ripped apart. Orphaned, she goes to live with incredibly wealthy relatives she never knew she had. Struggling to fit into her new world, she can’t let go of her grief. When the police tell her the investigation into her parents’ murder has hit a brick wall, she knows the only way she will ever know peace is to solve the mystery herself. With new family and friends, which includes a ghost with multiple personality issues, Leigh risks everything to find her answers.

What readers are saying:

★★★★★ “TikTok made me read this. Truth be told that is how I found this book! It was a great read, the characters interesting and intriguing, the premise got my attention and the writing and flow of the story kept me engaged. A mystery within a mystery that includes supernatural is always a win for me! Definitely recommend.”

★★★★★ “What an awesome story. The author keeps you engaged to the book and the flow is amazing.”

★★★★★ “First book I pick where I can’t put down! A great ready for someone who’s into mysteries!”

★★★★★ “A talent who deserves to be on every book shelf, amazing book, amazing author. BRAVO!!”

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Slovak, Czech, Italian, Bulgarian, Russian, Portuguese (Portugal), Ukrainian, Spanish (world), Polish, German and Hungarian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.