The Spanish edition of the international bestseller “My Strong Mind” (book 1) by Niels Van Hove is now available at bookstores!

This book aspires to educate children and parents about mental toughness and open a positive dialogue on the subject. To know more about the Positive Mindset series, click here.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Spanish (world), Korean, Chinese Complex, Slovakian, Slovenian, Polish, Romanian, Turkish, and Lithuanian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us.

The Romanian edition of the children’s book “A Friendship Story: Heart & Mind” by Nishi Singhal will be released in Romania shortly!

“A Friendship Story: Heart & Mind” by Nishi Singhal is a unique children’s book that introduces mindfulness to the little ones and open the door to rich conversations about thinking, feeling, and balancing both.

The underlying message for children is to combine “heartfulness” with “mindfulness”. The whimsical illustrations and the story keep you there in the magical world of the present. A must read for all ages, especially in such a fast paced world!

To know more about the book, click here.

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

“How We Got Cyber Smart: A book about how to stay safe online” by Lisa Rothfield-Kirschner will be available in Romanian.

We have just licensed the Romanian rights of this book. It is a helpful tool for all parents, caregivers and educator to help start the conversation about safe online habits in the current times. “How We Got Cyber Smart” addresses cyber safety, cyber bullying and online safety for elementary school-aged children.

“I am a 3rd grade teacher who was suddenly thrust into distance learning due to Covid-19 school closures. I wanted to find something to share with my students, since they will be navigating the online world more frequently now. The narrative straightforward advice for kids and caregivers is written in a manner that kids can relate to.” ~ Amazon customer

To know more, click here.

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us.

We have just licensed the Russian rights of the book “What Self-esteem Exercise Does Your Child Need Today?” by Jana Capri and Charan Diaz

This is an exercise & coloring book that helps parents and educators to contribute to children’s mental health, making them happier adults when they grow up.

The book contains 32 exercises for children of the age group (7-13) on the following topics:

Self-knowledge and self-love
Gratitude, enthusiasm, and optimism
Good role models
Assertiveness and relationships
Overcoming adversity and resilience

Charan is a psychologist from Barcelona (Spain) with more than 17 years of experience in psychotherapy, personal growth, educational psychology and organizational psychology. Jana is a Master Practitioner in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us.

The bestselling “Positive Mindset” series by Niels Van Hove will now be available in Turkish language.

We have just licensed the Turkish rights on a four-book deal agreement.

This series aspires to educate children and parents about mental toughness and open a positive dialogue on the subject. To know more about the Positive Mindset series, click here.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Spanish (world), Korean, Chinese Complex, Slovakian, Slovenian, Polish, Lithuanian and Turkish. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us.

We have just signed a nine-book deal in Turkey for the bestselling “Mindful Mantras” series by Laurie Wright.

“Mindful Mantras” series designed to help adults show children how to say adios to low self-esteem, low self-worth, and negative self-talk. Positive self-talk is incredibly important for improving and maintaining mental health.

“My 8 year old has anxiety and has been in therapy since she was 4. We just purchased the Mindful Mantra series and I am amazed at how relatable, powerful, and appropriate they are for ALL kids, especially those who struggle with anxiety. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Laurie!.” – Gale T.

To know more about the series, click here.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Korean, Chinese Complex, Chinese Simplified, Romanian, Vietnamese, Icelandic and Turkish . Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us.

This is the beautiful cover page for the Estonian market of the book “Seeds and Trees”, by Brandon Walden. This edition will be released in Estonia shortly!

This bestselling book has the elements to become a classic in children’s literature. This special tale will warm the hearts of readers of all ages. Words are powerful: they can hurt or they can heal. Be careful what you water, for it will surely grow.

You can view the book trailer here.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Spanish (world), Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese Complex and Estonian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us.

Ninja Life Hacks’ books by Mary Nhin are bestsellers in Romania. We have just signed a new four-book deal for the next titles in the series: “Earth Ninja”, “Helpful Ninja”, “Kind Ninja” and “Lazy Ninja”.

The bestselling Ninja Life Hacks book series is geared to kids 3-11+. Perfect for early readers, primary school students, or toddlers. Excellent resource for educators, parents, and teachers alike. The author has sold over a million copies of her books in English language alone.

“Ninja Life Hacks series is the perfect way to deliver simple life skills advice to little ones!” ~ Amazon customer.

To know more about Ninja Life Hacks series, click here.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Chinese Complex, Vietnamese, Romanian, Farsi, and Danish. Publishers interested to know more about the series, please get in touch by clicking here.

We have just licensed the Romanian rights of the children’s book “A Friendship Story: Heart & Mind” by Nishi Singhal

“A Friendship Story: Heart & Mind” by Nishi Singhal is a unique children’s book that introduces mindfulness to the little ones and open the door to rich conversations about thinking, feeling, and balancing both.

The underlying message for children is to combine “heartfulness” with “mindfulness”. The whimsical illustrations and the story keep you there in the magical world of the present. A must read for all ages, especially in such a fast paced world!

To know more about the book, click here.

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.