This is the beautiful Turkish edition of “Reconnect to Love: A Journey From Loneliness to Deep Connection” by Yong Kang Chan!

When we are alone and isolated, many of us think we will feel better once we surround ourselves with friends, family, or a romantic partner. We look for someone else to complete us, accompany us, and give us love and attention.

But instead of feeling less lonely, we often end up feeling empty and disappointed. Why is this so? Why does it seem that something is always missing from our relationships?

Timely and insightful, this book helps you feel more deeply connected with others and the world.

★★★★★ “This book is a simple and easy read that gets to the point of loneliness. You can tell the author has done a lot of personal work so that they can convey spiritual concepts in a simple fashion.” ~ Amazon Customer

★★★★★ “I got more out of this book than I expected. Learning to meet your own needs and love yourself for who you are is the key to ending loneliness and increasing genuine connection.” ~ Amazon Customer

Worldwide rights available except English (USA, Canada, UK), Spanish (world), German, Turkish, Russian, and Portuguese (Brazil).

“The Billionaire and the Monk” by Vibhor Kumar Singh is now available in Turkish!

This charming fable full of motivation and wisdom follows a billionaire and a monk who cross paths and teach each other what it means to be happy. It will delight fans of Paulo Coelho and Robin Sharma’s books.

What if you learn that everything you have been taught about happiness is false? What if you realize that happiness is not a goal and therefore it cannot be achieved? What if you discover that it is the ordinary path that leads to extraordinary treasure?

This is a story about how two men from different walks of life learn that neither robes of honor nor the total renunciation of worldly life is required to enjoy the most fundamental human desire – happiness. Happiness is not a philosophical enigma but an attainable state of the mind and everyone can cherish the greatest joys through the simplest and smallest acts of daily life.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Bulgarian, French (world), Greek, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil & Portugal), German, Spanish (world), Turkish, and Korean. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The international bestseller “The Little Book of Stoicism” by Jonas Salzgeber will soon be coming to Chinese bookstores!

This compelling, highly actionable guide shows you how to deal more effectively with whatever life throws at you and live up to your best self. “The Little Book of Stoicism” has been licensed in 21 languages!

★★★★★ “I really liked reading The Little Book of Stoicism for its simplicity and its genuine attempt to demystify this philosophy and present it in a contemporary setting… The language and writing style are simple and pleasing and I am sure will be relatable to most young people of today’s age… Overall, for anyone interested in philosophy or simply looking for ways for self-improvement, this book will surely be very helpful.”
— Gisela Dixon for Readers’ Favorite

Worldwide rights available except English (world), German, Chinese Complex, Simplified Chinese, Croatian, Romanian, Mongolian, Italian, Vietnamese, Thai, Farsi, Serbian, Spanish (world), Polish, Russian, Slovak, Portuguese (Brazil), French (world), Turkish, Korean, Czech, and Portuguese (Portugal). Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The bestselling inspirational novel “The man who was afraid to live” by Miguel Angel Montero is now available in audiobook format in Spanish!

This is a story about a man named Marcos who is afraid of living. Through happenstance, he meets a Quechuan wise man who guides him on a beautiful journey of self-discovery and his life would never be the same.

This book is rapidly becoming a bestseller in Spain (12th reprint). Its style and genre reminds us of Don Miguel Ruiz, Robin Sharma and Paulo Coelho’s works.

What readers are saying:

★★★★★ “A lesson in reinventing yourself and keeping in mind what’s really important”
★★★★★ “It hooks you from the first pages and you never want it to end”.”
★★★★★ “A wonderful book, one of those that are difficult to forget.”
★★★★★ “Thank you for giving hope with this masterpiece.”
★★★★★ “I cried with gratitude with this book.”

Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us.

The international bestseller “The Little Book of Stoicism” by Jonas Salzgeber will soon be coming to Korean bookstores!

This compelling, highly actionable guide shows you how to deal more effectively with whatever life throws at you and live up to your best self. “The Little Book of Stoicism” has been licensed in 21 languages!

★★★★★ “I really liked reading The Little Book of Stoicism for its simplicity and its genuine attempt to demystify this philosophy and present it in a contemporary setting… The language and writing style are simple and pleasing and I am sure will be relatable to most young people of today’s age… Overall, for anyone interested in philosophy or simply looking for ways for self-improvement, this book will surely be very helpful.”
— Gisela Dixon for Readers’ Favorite

Worldwide rights available except English (world), German, Chinese Complex, Simplified Chinese, Croatian, Romanian, Mongolian, Italian, Vietnamese, Thai, Farsi, Serbian, Spanish (world), Polish, Russian, Slovak, Portuguese (Brazil), French (world), Turkish, Korean, Czech, and Portuguese (Portugal). Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The Portuguese edition of the series “Heart & Mind” by Nishi Singhal will be released shortly! It is an excellent tool to introduce mindfulness to children.

“Heart & Mind” by Nishi Singhal is a unique series that introduces mindfulness to the little ones and opens the door to rich conversations about thinking, feeling, and balancing both.

The underlying message for children is to combine “heartfulness” with “mindfulness”. The whimsical illustrations and the story keep you there in the magical world of the present. A must read for all ages, especially in such a fast paced world!

To know more about the series, click here.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Vietnamese, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian and Turkish. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The international bestseller “The Little Book of Stoicism” by Jonas Salzgeber will soon be coming to Slovak bookstores!

This compelling, highly actionable guide shows you how to deal more effectively with whatever life throws at you and live up to your best self. “The Little Book of Stoicism” has been licensed in 21 languages!

★★★★★ “I really liked reading The Little Book of Stoicism for its simplicity and its genuine attempt to demystify this philosophy and present it in a contemporary setting… The language and writing style are simple and pleasing and I am sure will be relatable to most young people of today’s age… Overall, for anyone interested in philosophy or simply looking for ways for self-improvement, this book will surely be very helpful.”
— Gisela Dixon for Readers’ Favorite

Worldwide rights available except English (world), German, Chinese Complex, Simplified Chinese, Croatian, Romanian, Mongolian, Italian, Vietnamese, Thai, Farsi, Serbian, Spanish (world), Polish, Russian, Slovak, Portuguese (Brazil), French (world), Turkish, Korean, Czech, and Portuguese (Portugal). Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

The Spanish bestseller “Seasons of the Soul: 7 Steps to Connect with Your Life’s Highest Purpose” by Sharon M. Koenig will soon be coming to Italian bookstores!

In all of the happiness and longevity studies around the world, the most important variable for improving health is the same: A happy person is someone who has found his/her purpose. Those who have found their purpose can happily do what they love and offer their talents to the community and the rest of the world. Each culture gives a particular name to this way of life. For example, in Japan, this notion is called ikigai, the raison d’être. Sometimes we lose sight of our purpose, but our soul never forgets it. This book is a reminder and an invitation to commit to the plans God has for you.

Sharon M. Koenig is a bestselling author and motivational speaker. Prior to becoming a bestselling author, Sharon organized various motivational development and personal growth event projects for communities in Latin America, drawing on many successful leaders and authors from various spiritual backgrounds, including Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson.

“Sharon M. Koenig’s book is a great reminder of who we are and why we are here. Just reading its words is already a sweet awakening.”

~ Marianne Williamson, author of the New York Times Bestseller “A Return to Love”

Worldwide rights available except English (Indian Subcontinent), Spanish (world), French and Italian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

This is Hachette’s international English edition of “The Billionaire and the Monk” by Vibhor Kumar Singh. It will be released on 24.05.2022!

This is an inspirational fable of two unlikely friends who both seek as well as show how to pursue happiness. It will delight fans of Paulo Coelho and Robin Sharma’s books.

You can preorder your copy here.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (world), Bulgarian, French (world), Greek, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil & Portugal), German, Spanish (world), Turkish, and Korean. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

This is the Brazilian edition of “Make the right choice” by J. P. Vaswani that will be released shortly!

Dada J. P. Vaswani is one of the leading spiritual luminaries of India, a practical philosopher and a modern day saint who has influenced thousands all over the world. He spoke at numerous venues including the British House of Commons in London, the Global Forum of Spiritual Leaders in Oxford, the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, and the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders at the United Nations in New York.

“Make the right choice” (published by Pan MacMillan India) is based on one of Dada’s inspiring talks he delivered on his ninety-ninth birthday, which makes this book special. A modern, practical and insightful read, make the right choice is the author’s personal guide to managing our choices in life. Giving seven positive affirmations to follow, Dada Vaswani inspires us to be intuitive, courageous, kind and forgiving. Once we start showing strong affection towards ourselves, we are then no longer clouded with wrong choices. The path becomes clearer. ‘You can choose to be what you wish to be!’.

Worldwide rights are available except in English (Indian Subcontinent), Russian, and Portuguese (Brazil). For international rights inquiries, publishers can get in touch with us.