This is the cover page for the Bulgarian market of the book “Breathing from the Heart and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness” by Dr. Ana Maria Aguirre. This edition will be released in Bulgaria shortly!

This work represents a very important contribution to the development and advancement of transpersonal psychology, specifically Holotropic Breathwork.

“Breathing From the Heart and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness: A Transpersonal Psychology Breathwork Technique – Hyperventilation after Stanislav Grof” by Ana Maria Aguirre traces the remarkable story of her lifelong commitment to healing and psychic exploration by guiding people in the practice of holotropic breathwork, a practice she learned first-hand from the pioneer psychiatrist Stanislav Grof. Over the decades, Aguirre put her own personal stamp on this practice, calling it “Breathing from the Heart” and single handily enhancing it, perfecting it, rendering it more deeply, enlightening and liberating.”

~ Douglas Burnet Smith (translator of the book), poet, Literature Professor at St. Francis Xavier University in Canada, nominated for the Governor General’s Award, the most prestigious literary award in Canada.

Publishers interested to know more about the book, please get in touch with our agency.

We have just licensed the Portuguese rights for Brazil of the international bestseller “The Little Book of Stoicism: Timeless Wisdom to Gain Resilience, Confidence, and Calmness” by Jonas Salzgeber. Rights already sold in 15 languages!

This compelling, highly actionable guide shows you how to deal more effectively with whatever life throws at you and live up to your best self.

Worldwide rights available except English (world), German, Chinese Complex, Croatian, Romanian, Mongolian, ltalian, Vietnamese, Thai, Farsi, Serbian, Spanish (world), Polish, Russian, Slovak and Portuguese (Brazil). Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

We have just licensed the Ukrainian rights of the inspirational fable “The Billionaire and the Monk” by Vibhor Kumar Singh. Rights sold in 12 geographies!

Two men from different walks of life learn that neither robes of honor nor the total renunciation of worldly life is required to enjoy the most fundamental human desire – happiness. What if you learn that everything you have been taught about happiness is false? What if you discover that it is the ordinary path that leads to extraordinary treasure?

Worldwide rights are available except in English (Indian Subcontinent), Bulgarian, French (world), Greek, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil & Portugal), German, Spanish (world),Turkish and Ukrainian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

We have just signed a four-book deal with a Turkish publisher for Yong Kong Chan’s books on Self-Compassion and Spiritual Love.

Timely and insightful, these books help you feel more deeply connected with yourself and others:

  • Empty Your Cup: Why We Have Low Self-Esteem and How Mindfulness Can Help
  • The Disbelief Habit: How to Use Doubt to Make Peace with Your Inner Critic
  • Parent Yourself Again: Love Yourself the Way You Have Always Wanted to Be Loved
  • Reconnect to Love: A Journey From Loneliness to Deep Connection

“The author gets straight to the point and brings together concepts from psychology, meditation and mindfulness in an accessible way.” ~ Amazon Customer

Publishers interested to know more about the series, please get in touch with our agency.

We have just licensed the Slovak rights of the international bestseller “The Little Book of Stoicism: Timeless Wisdom to Gain Resilience, Confidence, and Calmness” by Jonas Salzgeber.

This compelling, highly actionable guide shows you how to deal more effectively with whatever life throws at you and live up to your best self. To know more about the book, click here.

Worldwide rights available except English (world), German, Chinese Complex, Croatian, Romanian, Mongolian, ltalian, Vietnamese, Thai, Farsi, Serbian, Spanish (world), Polish, Russian and Slovak. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

We have just licensed the Spanish worldwide rights of the international bestseller “The Little Book of Stoicism: Timeless Wisdom to Gain Resilience, Confidence, and Calmness” by Jonas Salzgeber.

A mix of timeless wisdom and empowering advice, “The Little Book of Stoicism” will point the way to anyone seeking a calm and wise life in a chaotic world. To know more about the book, click here.

“In a world where everybody feels entitled to everything and nobody takes responsibility for anything, stoicism offers a little counterpoint of sanity to help you negotiate a path through the insane world we live in nowadays. The book offers an introduction into stoicism, explains the history and the key thinkers behind behind the philosophy in case you want to delve a little deeper in the future. It also offers a few exercises to help you behave in a more stoic manner. Recommended both as a read and as a philosophy to follow.” ~ Amazon customer.

Worldwide rights available except English (world), German, Chinese Complex, Croatian, Romanian, Mongolian, ltalian, Vietnamese, Thai, Farsi, Serbian, Russian, Polish and Spanish (world). Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.

This is the beautiful cover page for the Brazilian market of the book “Acceptance: Living in Peace” by motivational speaker, Julio Bevione. This edition will be released in Brazil shortly!

In this inspirational guide, Julio Bevione proposes the secret to lasting peace: it is a conscious acceptance of what is currently happening. The key to this is a connection with the inner spirit, which doesn’t recognize fear —a paralyzing emotion on the road to peace— and promotes love: a love of oneself, of others, and of the present moment.

For readers struggling with the frustration of an existence marked at every turn by the influence of the ego, this spiritual handbook offers a different path.

“It is a book full of clarity and guidance that can only come from love, which feels written from the light but very aware of the necessary moments of darkness.” ~ Amazon customer

Julio Bevione is a speaker on spirituality and an author of numerous books on the subject. He is the editor of the New York–based magazine Ser Saludable (Being Healthy) and a columnist for Selecciones, a Reader’s Digest magazine in Latin America and Spain. His books have sold over 200,000 copies in Spanish alone.

Worldwide rights are available except in Spanish (world), Russian, and Portuguese (Brazil). Publishers interested to know more about Bevione Essentials series, please get in touch by clicking here.

We have just licensed the Slovenian rights of “Tantric Quest: An Encounter with Absolute Love”, by Daniel Odier, the personal memoir of one of France’s most honored writers

Tantrism is the only ancient philosophy to survive all historical upheavals, invasions, and influences to reach us intact by uninterrupted transmission from master to disciple, and the only one to retain the image of the Great Goddess as the ultimate source of power.

In 1968 Daniel Odier left Europe for the Himalayas, searching for a master who could help him go where texts and intellectual searching could no longer take him. He wanted everything: the wisdom and spirituality gained from the life of an ascetic and the beauty, love, and sensuality of a life of passion. He found both in Shivaic Tantrism, the secret spiritual path that seeks to transcend ego and rediscover the divine by embracing the passions. In an isolated Himalayan forest Odier met Devi, a great yogini who would take him on a mystical journey like none he had ever imagined. At times taking him beyond the limits of sexual experience, at times threatening him with destruction, she taught him what it is to truly be alive and to know the divine nature of absolute love.

“Tantric Quest” (Inner Traditions USA) was published in 1997 and is still in print. This is one of the most acclaimed classics in the Spiritual literature.

Worldwide rights are available except in French, Italian, Spanish (world), Portuguese (Brazil), German, Lithuanian, Dutch, English (world), Russian, Estonian, Romanian and Slovenian. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with us by clicking here.

We have just licensed the Russian rights of the international bestseller “The Little Book of Stoicism: Timeless Wisdom to Gain Resilience, Confidence, and Calmness” by Jonas Salzgeber.

A mix of timeless wisdom and empowering advice, “The Little Book of Stoicism” will point the way to anyone seeking a calm and wise life in a chaotic world. To know more about the book, click here.

“In a world where everybody feels entitled to everything and nobody takes responsibility for anything, stoicism offers a little counterpoint of sanity to help you negotiate a path through the insane world we live in nowadays. The book offers an introduction into stoicism, explains the history and the key thinkers behind behind the philosophy in case you want to delve a little deeper in the future. It also offers a few exercises to help you behave in a more stoic manner. Recommended both as a read and as a philosophy to follow.” ~ Amazon customer.

Worldwide rights available except English (world), German, Chinese Complex, Croatian, Romanian, Mongolian, ltalian, Vietnamese, Thai, Farsi, Serbian, Russian, and Polish. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency here.

We have just licensed the Polish rights of the international bestseller “The Little Book of Stoicism: Timeless Wisdom to Gain Resilience, Confidence, and Calmness” by Jonas Salzgeber.

This compelling, highly actionable guide shows you how to deal more effectively with whatever life throws at you and live up to your best self. To know more about the book, click here.

Worldwide rights available except English (world), German, Chinese Complex, Croatian, Romanian, Mongolian, ltalian, Vietnamese, Thai, Farsi, Portuguese (Brazil), Serbian and Polish. Publishers interested to know about the rights availability, please get in touch with our agency.