The Italian edition of “Crazy Wisdom of the Yogini: Teachings of the Kashmiri Mahamudra Tradition” by Daniel Odier can be found at bookstores in Italy!

This is the new foreign edition of this book that is set to become a classic in the spiritual literature. Neri Pozza Edizioni has produced this beautiful edition for the Italian market.

Odier presents in this book new translations of the most significant sacred books, including the Shiva Sutras, the Pratybhijna Hrdayam Sutra, and the Spandakarika, each presented in language that preserves their spontaneous mystic flow.

To know more about this book, click here.

Recognized as one of the leading Tantra masters in the West, Daniel Odier received a mystical initiation from the tantric yogini, Lalita Devi. He was also a student of Kalu Rinpoche and received dharma transmission from a Chinese Chan Master. He founded the Tantra/Chan center in Paris, has taught courses on Eastern spiritual traditions at the University of California, and gives workshops in Europe, Canada, South America, and the United States. He is the author of several books, including Tantric Quest: An Encounter with Absolute Love and Tantric Kali. He lives in Switzerland. To know more about this work, visit

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